Sunday, June 21, 2009

uncanny...unimpressive....difficult...still trying...fate...random thoughts

its uncanny that i'm writing again after a long break and again at a time when everybody is posting about cricket(T-20 world cup final) on facebook....don't know whats the connection between me writing and cricket! or is it that for indians cricket is a 24*7*12 obesession!!

anyways...coming back to blogging...well i hve definitely realised its not that easy - hardly land up writing often enough....wonder how people manage - or is it that blogging is for a certain type of people - the literally evolved intellectual ones - and not for not "a little different" types like me...dunno - but am still giving it one more shot...

well...where do i start - its the end of a non eventful weekend...spent it with "myself"...lots of work done though..the household/exercising variety - i'm calling the weekend uneventful the entertainment way - didn't have a drunk friday or a saturday night - did not go and watch a movie - did not catch up for coffee..etc etc...the usual things - but surprisingly did not get bored or irritated..and this is becoming a trend now...wonder what is the it that i have become more "content" - or is it that i'm simply growing "old"? +@#$$%% - well i am approaching my 30th birthday -- omigosh!!! thats what everyone says....however wonder whether it really is a big deal... should i be watching movies like "things to do before u r 30" and feeling depressed and low about the fact that i would have probably done 2-3 things from the list? or should i just take it as another year gone by with the next one to look forward to and try and make the most of it...

this somehow brings me to another thought - is it fate that decides what our lives are or do we need to shape it according to our terms? i do believe that fate decides a lot of things, but one cannot leave one's life completely to fate - if that were true there would not be successful and unsuccessful people, happy and unhappy people. some say happiness is directly correlated to success - success in terms of a successful career - successful family life - successful relationships...but i have met people who are unsuccessful and happy as well as successful and still wonder what is the balance that one needs to maintain to be successfully happy in life...:) and how much to leave to fate and how much to take in one's hand...

signing off on that note....