Sunday, March 22, 2009

my first post

March 2009 is rather late to have a "first post" on a blog.The way I'm looking at it is atleast its happened now rather than never. Have always wondered why people would publish their thoughts to the world - I mean unless there's some purpose to it - I have realised there is no way of finding out unless I try it out here I am - a self proclaimed non blogger with no specific topic or purpose of starting this blog and no idea what shape i want to give it as time moves they say somethings are better left on their own - they will automatically take some only expectations at this point in time are that 1) this could be the "Dairy" that I have never maintained and will help when my memory fails me 2) I might discover something about my writing skills - I have never done any creative writing or any writing ever, but somehow have a hunch that I might be decent at it.

So - to start a topic - well, I have just spent a complete couch potato kinda weekend...and trust me - it was awesome - saw a season of FRIENDS, some movies - the one i would recommend is No Reservations, MTV Roadies, Obama talking to Jay Leno, Indian Premier League not being played in India. My favourite is IPL not being played in India - I mean its just proves that the statement "It happens only in India" true all over again!! Who would think that a league called by the name of a country - where the teams are based on cities in that country will be played in some other country?? Didn't Mr. Modi know that the elections were at this time and didnt the government know that there would be security required for the teams as well as the elections in advance - have seen a lot of discussion on TV but no body seems to be talking about what happened suddenly?? To me it was the attack on the SriLankans in Pak - suddenly our security agencies realised that cricket also requires security and then it was like - oh my god - just realised its at the same time as elections - and oh my god again - our netas also need security.... so what a perfect opportunity to create another controversy and a perfect media build up to both the elections and IPL(which anyways comes along with Bollywood) - and the junta is glued on - what could be better entertainment - all 3 obsessions of Indians put together in the same news story - must say what a field day for all our "Breaking News" journos...

Thats my two bit of journalistic writing...looking forward to the drama taking larger shapes...wonder what big plans Mr. Mallaya would have in his mind right now to make the most of the new venue..